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WiS Week 2022 – Featured Leaders

Provided by Structured Finance Association

WiS, in support of the UN Women’s theme of “Gender Equality Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow,” is pleased to feature profiles of accomplished women in securitization. These women were nominated by their firms for the outstanding contributions they have made to the Structured Finance Association, their organizations, and the finance industry.



Christina Burgess Email HeadshotChristina Burgess


“I owe so much of my career advancement to women mentors that I’ve had during my career so I try to pay that forward by mentoring the women associates in my firm and including them in meaningful transactions and networking opportunities. In addition to mentoring women in my own firm, I have a personal commitment to investing in women I connect with in the securitization industry.”

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Erin Komorowski Email HeadshotErin Komorowski
Director of ESG
M&T Bank


“Develop and promote women! Notice when there are not women in the room (or virtual room) and use that as an opportunity to find female talent to bring in. For all of us who have risen in our respective organizations, it’s so critical to provide mentoring and coaching to the next generation of women business leaders so they are prepared to take the next step in their career journeys.”

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Christabel James Email HeadshotChristabel James
Managing Director
RiskSpan Inc.


“Having intentional programs to attract and retain women is key. What is equally important is that these initiatives are not always driven and led by women only, but active participation from men is important as well. I am part of industry groups for women and in all these groups we recognize that in addition to women supporting women, we need men to be our cheerleaders as well. Encouraging male leadership to not only recognize the importance that women bring to diversity of thought and perspectives, but also encouraging them to be active participants in supporting and empowering women is key.”

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Tara Castillo Email HeadshotTara E. Castillo
Alston & Bird

“Our industry is innovative and ever evolving. I enjoy structuring complex transactions, identifying and leveraging cross discipline synergies, and working with borrower, issuer, lender, and underwriter clients on new asset classes. I’m most inspired by the increase in female and diverse industry participants over the last 15 years, and the work that the SFA’s WiS initiative has done thus far to focus on the development, advancement, and retention of women by leveraging both male and female participants. There is still much work to be done, and I look forward to helping do my part to continue shaping the industry.”

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Meagan Signoriello Email HeadshotMeagan R. Signoriello
Lowenstein Sandler

“I think that an important trend that will help to increase the representation of women in finance is the change in attitude towards work/life balance. Just a few years ago, people heard “work/life balance” and equated it with wanting to work less hours and it carried a negative stigma. Companies and law firms are now realizing that work/life balance can actually mean being able to integrate challenging careers with other parts of our lives, and allow people to be successful professionally while still living holistic, multi-layered lives.”

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Genevieve Piche Email HeadshotGeneviève Piché
Head of ESG Solutions
Wells Fargo & Company

“Supporting strong representation in senior leadership roles is key to increasing women in finance. We all benefit from strong role models to whom we can relate, and the success of our day-to-day business relationships are the same. While we often attract a lot of women at the beginning of their careers, we lose many midstream. Good mentoring and sponsorship efforts, frequent performance and career feedback, and stigma-free cross-enterprise mobility, amongst other things, all help retain female talent and ensure representation at all levels.”

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Laura Swihart Email Headshot v2Laura Swihart


“I’ve said this before and will just say it again. Just keep showing up and doing your best. Don’t have a chip on your shoulder. Show up and listen and learn. Many people have been accredited with it but someone said “99% of success is showing up.” I truly believe that. Show up and don’t be worried if what you say is perfect. Nothing is.”

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Courtney Lazzari Email HeadshotCourtney Lazzari

“Providing mentorship programs, coaching sessions, networking opportunities – any way for women to connect with other women is vital to seeing how others “do it.” I hear that all the time “I don’t know how you do it.” Answer is – I don’t! One of the silver linings of COVID is that it created an opportunity to glimpse into the daily lives of others creating a sense of authenticity that didn’t previously exist, or at least didn’t exist very often.  Recognizing and allowing for the fact that we have responsibilities outside of the workplace is critically important to increase or even maintain the representation of women in finance.”

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Jan Stewart Email HeadshotJan Stewart
Mayer Brown LLP


“As a securitization attorney at Mayer Brown LLP, I have had the opportunity to be at the forefront of developments in the securitization market, including securitizing new asset types. In recent years, I’ve led transactions involving loans and leases for the acquisition of residential solar panels. By helping solar panel originators secure purchasers and other financings for their loan and lease products, I am supporting green energy initiatives and working toward securing a sustainable energy future.”

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Ines Beato Email HeadshotInes Beato
Senior Vice President
DBRS Morningstar


“I support gender equality by providing an example for all my colleagues, as a resource, teacher, and mentor available to guide and answer questions. I am a child of immigrants who moved to this country when I was five. My parents have fourth grade educations but are wiser than many and taught me to follow my dreams, put in my hard work, and respect myself and those around me.”

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Kaitlyn Mauritz Email HeadshotKaitlyn Mauritz
Head of Investor Relations
Redwood Trust, Inc.

“Redwood as a company prioritizes promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. Since joining Redwood, I have helped to spearhead the efforts to track, measure and grow those practices and enhance public reporting and disclosure around those practices as well as around future DEI-related goals, including leading Redwood’s first submission of disclosure under the SASB reporting framework.”

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Heather Wyckoff Email HeadshotHeather Wyckoff
Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP

“Flexibility to work from home makes such a big difference for women with children. As a working mother, what I needed – especially when my children were little (when I started at my current firm all four of them were under 2 ½ years old) – was not to work a reduced amount of hours, but an understanding from the people I worked with that I would handle my matters effectively even if I needed to push my day into the earlier morning or later evening to do so.”

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Natasha AikinsEmail HeadshotNatasha Aikins
Fitch Ratings


“This is a dynamic and global industry so at whatever point you entered there are vast areas to discover should you choose to do so. At times you may look around the table and begin to question your role or biases that you may see or feel or even the meaningfulness of certain things in the larger picture – but throughout this experience it is important to be true to yourself and most importantly to believe in and stick up for yourself!”

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Alison Flood Email HeadshotAlison Flood
Executive Director – Securitized Products
J.P. Morgan


“I believe that the key to supporting gender equality is by promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. A work construct that not only considers but also encourages diverse perspectives will create a foundation for gender equality that is sustainable.”

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Merryn Craske Email HeadshotMerryn Craske
Morgan Lewis


“It is vital to consider how more women can be promoted to leadership roles. In many cases talented and committed women don’t progress in their careers as far or as fast as their male colleagues. There are a myriad of reasons for this. Women should be encouraged to ask for what they want, to feel confident in their abilities, and to step outside of their comfort zone.”

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