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Structured Finance

Dedicated to helping the economy grow by safely enabling greater credit access to industry, consumers and investors.


U.S. Banking Regulators Propose Markedly Higher Credit Risk Weights for Securitization

Dr. W. Scott Frame, Chief Economist and Head of Policy, shares his latest blog post, U.S. Banking Regulators Propose Markedly Higher Credit Risk Weights for Securitization, providing a detailed analysis of the recent proposal by U.S. federal banking regulators to amend capital requirements in alignment with the Basel 3 Endgame standards. Co-authored with Christopher B. Horn, Partner in the Financial Services Group at Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft, the post outlines the proposed changes to the capital treatment of securitization exposures, compares the U.S. approach to European implementation, and discusses the broader implications for the financial industry.

SFA Conflict of Interest Resource Hub

Our SFA Conflict of Interest Resource Hub aggregates key materials to keep you informed on this critical issue, along with insights from our members to provide diverse perspectives and valuable commentary.

SFAcademy: The Bootcamp Series

SFAcademy is an educational program for professionals in structured finance. Through the Bootcamp Series, members can explore the essentials of securitization and asset classes with real-life examples, delivered in accessible, bi-weekly sessions.

SFA News