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global initiatives (1)

International Issues

Markets across the globe can interact to create value and stability – and that interconnectedness demands coordinated policies that promote fair, efficient and transparent markets.

Tower bridge and financial district of London with a cloudless sky at sunset


At their core, structured finance and securitization are about increasing the flow of global capital into their respective economies. To achieve this, global coordination is needed. SFA is at the epicenter of this coordination, with outreach and work efforts spanning around the globe.

Publications & Resources

On December 4, 2024, the Structured Finance Association (SFA) submitted its response to the European Commission’s Targeted Consultation on the Functioning of the EU Securitisation Framework.
Letter requests pragmatic supervisory approach to reporting requirements for non-EU securitizations during interim period, before templates are finalized, following the EU Commission interpretation of mandated EU investor due diligence and transparency requirements when purchasing non-EU securitization.
In its response, SFA requests the European Commission’s support for regulatory guidance to be issued and supports the recommendation that compliance should be approached on the basis of the principle of proportionality.
As securitization in China has rapidly grown into the second largest market in the world, SFA has built relationships with Chinese regulators and financial institutions.
