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SFA Introduces New Committee Comms Newsletter 

Provided by Structured Finance Association

SFA is excited to present our inaugural Committee News communication for SFA members. This biweekly newsletter will highlight the work being conducted by SFA’s committees and task forces and let you know how to join these ongoing initiatives. As this is a new publication, we welcome feedback about how to make this newsletter most relevant to our members so that you can be engaged in the work SFA is undertaking on behalf of the securitization market.

Other features of our Committee Newsletter include a “What We’re Reading” section to highlight work published by our member firms. We will be putting out a call for white papers, issue briefs, research notes, client memos, and anything else your firms are working on that we can help to amplify. As always, your expertise and willingness to participate in these initiatives is what makes SFA’s committees and task forces work, so thank you for all that you do. We look forward to continuing to grow with you in 2024 and beyond!

Read Our Committee Comms News Here


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