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SFA and Other Trades Push Back on SEC Shorter Rule Proposal Comment Periods

Provided by Structured Finance Association

On March 1, 2022, SFA and 11 other trades submitted a request to the SEC to extend the comment period for their private fund advisers proposal. The proposal is nearly 350 pages, seeking responses to over 900 questions throughout but only offered a 30-day window for comments after publication in the Federal Register. Complex and sweeping changes are included in the proposal and would impact a broad range of stakeholders, seeking open-ended and extensive information.

The joint trades letter requested an extension of the comment period for the proposal until 120 days after Federal Register publication to provide a sufficient amount of time to appropriately analyze the substance of the proposal, understand the full scope and implications, and collect, analyze and present the detailed information and comments that the SEC is seeking from stakeholders.

SFA and the other trades also noted that “meaningful stakeholder input—through substantial and carefully considered comments—will be crucial to inform the Commission’s deliberations and judgments about whether and how to move forward with these packages of regulatory reforms.”

Please reach out to Alyssa Acevedo for additional details.