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Seven Tips For Building An Effective DEI Strategy

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In the past two years, many companies across America have taken steps to address diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace. In a 2021 report from Lever, DEI was among the top five priorities for employers they surveyed. Yet, despite this positive news, there are many who are concerned that some of these efforts are more about “checking a box” than a full commitment to DEI.

In all fairness, companies are dealing with a lot these days. The global pandemic has upended the world of work as we know it, most likely for good. Companies have had to deal with shutdowns, a newly hybrid workforce, the increased need for flexibility, vaccine policies, employee mental and physical health, the Great Resignation and more. However, despite all this — and perhaps because of all this — companies that want to thrive in the future will need to create a DEI strategy that is comprehensive, specific and measurable.

Whenever I get asked about why DEI is important, I like to use the following analogy: Imagine a company’s workforce as a fleet of ships. A company without diversity is like a fleet of ships that are all the same. They move the same, maneuver the same and have the same blind spot. Up against a fleet of diverse ships, they cannot compete.