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CARES Act Signed Into Law

On March 27, the House of Representatives approved, and President Donald Trump signed, the CARES Act into law. This is the third piece of legislation to address the coronavirus pandemic and follows enactment of the...

Senate Passes CARES Act

Late Wednesday night, March 25, the Senate passed the third piece of legislation aimed to combat the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.

SFA Analysis of Section 4022 of CARES Act

Section 4022 of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act covers a nationwide foreclosure moratorium and the consumer’s right to request a forbearance. The requirements in this section applies only to “Federally-backed mortgages”,...

TALF Resurrected

In response to the economic dislocation brought on by the coronavirus pandemic, the Fed dusted off another powerful crisis-era tool. On March 23, the Fed established the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Liquidity Facility (TALF) to...