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Allyship in Action:

How to Step Up for Change

This toolkit offers adaptable resources derived from research and best practices, emphasizing the need for customization to fit individual organizational cultures and goals. It serves as a timely supplement, aiding individuals, team leaders, and organizations in navigating the evolving DEI landscape while fostering inclusive growth and meaningful change.


What is Allyship?

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Why is Allyship Important?

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Showing Up as an Active Ally.

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Importance of DEI

“In order for diversity efforts to really get off the ground, it takes more than marginalized populations to make the effort to initiate programs and initiatives for success.”

Keywords To Know


An accomplice uses the power and privilege they must challenge the status quo, often risking their physical and social well-being.

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To acknowledge, respect, and support a person’s identity regarding race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, experiences, ideas, or beliefs, or encouraging the development of an individual.

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Explicit Bias

Biased attitudes about a group of individuals are aware; these may be visible or invisible, but they can be accessed. (SAIC)

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Implicit Bias

The unconscious attitudes or stereotypes that affect a person’s understanding, actions, or decisions as they relate to people from different groups.

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A particular group, culture, or community with which an individual identifies or shares a sense of belonging.

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The interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender as they apply to a given individual or group, regarded as creating overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage.

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Intent vs. Impact

Intent refers to what a person hopes or wants to do when performing an action. Impact refers to the reality (e.g., results) of one’s actions/ behaviors.

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Systemic favoring, enriching, valuing, validating, and including specific social identities over others. Individuals cannot “opt out” of systems of privilege; instead, these systems are inherent in the society in which we live.

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Get Involved


SFA’s 3rd Annual DEI Symposium

Glasshouse on the Park, New York
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion


The Structured Finance Association (“SFA”) appreciates the opportunity to respond to the proposed revision (the “Proposal”) to the Securitization Safe Harbor Rule (the “Rule”) released by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (the “FDIC”) on August 22, 2019.
Amici Curiae, the Bank Policy Institute (“BPI”) and the Structured Finance Association (“SFA”), by their counsel Sullivan & Cromwell LLP and Mayer Brown LLP, respectfully move this Court for leave to file a brief in support of Defendants’ Motion to…

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