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Inclusive Recruiting Hero

Inclusive Recruiting

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What Our Toolkit Addresses

The toolkit includes a combination of video interviews, member-written blogs, articles, podcasts, and member-firm submitted resources centered around diversity recruitment. Topics include:

  • Why inclusive recruiting is important
  • Key components of a diversity recruitment strategy
  • How affinity groups can support diversity initiatives and connect with diverse talent
  • The importance of building relationships early with talent
  • Various types of recruitment events organizations can hold to be innovative and creative in their talent acquisition approach
  • How to ensure recruiting processes are inclusive and equitable
  • Data or metrics companies can track to assess recruitment success
  • How firms can get started on building an inclusive recruitment strategy from scratch
Ramon Gomez
white quote icon

“Intentionality is important in a world where opportunity is not evenly distributed. After this moment passes, the pipelines we create will shape the financial industry for generations.”

Ramon Gomez

Managing Director,

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inclusive recruiting impacts business

Inclusive Recruiting: How does it impact your business?

Diverse teams lead to a higher likelihood of outperformance:

  • Companies in the top quartiles for racial diversity on executive teams are 36% more likely to have higher financial returns.
  • Companies in the top quartile for gender diversity on executive teams are 25% more likely to have higher financial returns (source: McKinsey)
  • 85% of CEOs say having diversified and inclusive teams improved their bottom lines (source: PWC)
  • Diverse teams are more innovative and solve problems faster (source: Deloitte).

Diverse teams are more attractive to prospective employees:

  • 76% of job seekers prioritize a company’s diversity when weighing job opportunities (source: Glassdoor)

Pillars of Inclusive Recruiting

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Hub CTA

Join SFA’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee

SFA’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee is open to all industry participants, regardless of SFA membership status, and is complimentary to join. By signing up, you will be notified of the latest news, developments, and networking opportunities in conjunction with the initiative. Email to learn more.

Related DEI Topics

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Developing a DEI Strategy and Roadmap

How to identify business objectives, set goals, collect data, implement a plan, and measure results.

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Managing Diverse Teams

Learn how to improve workplace mobility, keeping talent engaged (and retained), improving the performance management process, and making the promotion process more equitable.

Coming Q2 2023