CLO Market Committee
Identifies and evaluates relevant legislation, regulation, and industry matters impacting the CLO market and create industry solutions that address these items through membership consensus

The Structured Finance Association works closely with industry leaders to collaboratively identify trends and manage changes within the CLO market.
As a basic building block of securitization, the strength of the CLO market is essential to America’s economy. Commercial and retail borrowers alike depend upon a safe, robust, and accessible CLO market. True to SFA’s collaborative spirit, the CLO Market Committee allows the industry to communicate to policymakers with one voice backed by consensus.
Top Priorities
Taberna Involuntary Chapter 11: Our Motion for Leave To File Brief (September 2017)
September 7, 2017
Non-party Structured Finance Industry Group, Inc. (“SFIG”), by and through the undersigned counsel, respectfully files this motion for an order permitting it to submit a brief as amicus curiae in opposition to the Petitioning Creditors’ Motion for Summary Judgment.
Collateralized Loan Obligations. A look at this asset as a long-term financing solution for non-investment grade corporations
Collateralized Loan Obligations (CLOs) are bond investments backed by corporate business loans and purchased by institutional investors. These investment vehicles provide a significant source of financing for many diverse U.S. businesses by increasing the availability and affordability of credit for…