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SFVegas – SFA Documents

Provided by Structured Finance Association

LIBOR Discontinuation and Transition to Alternative Benchmarks

Issue Brief: Discontinuation of LIBOR 

SFA Statement for the Record Before House Financial Services Committee LIBOR Hearing

Options for Using SOFR in New ABS, MBS, and CMBS Products

Financial Times Op-Ed: Legislation is Needed to Ease Shift from LIBOR

                o SFA Submits Joint Trades Letter in Support of Adjustable Interest Rate (LIBOR) Act

SFA Submits Joint Trades Letter to House of Financial Services Committee on Federal LIBOR Legislative Solution

Join the SFA LIBOR Task Force: This task force leads the effort to develop an industry approach for transitioning away from LIBOR for both new and legacy LIBOR-based transactions. In addition, educates regulators, policymakers, and market participants on the potential impact of LIBOR transition and how to prepare.



ESG Investing

SFA Response to SEC’s Request for Comment on Climate Change Disclosures, June 2021

Bright Ideas: ESG Investing in Structured Finance – How Do We Do It and What Data Do We Need? – March 2021

Bright Ideas: Racial Disparity in Housing – Historical Issues and the COVID-19 Challenge – February 2021

                  o Investing for the Good – The Rise of ESG, January 2021

SFA’s ESG Industry Survey Results finding that nearly half (47%) of structured finance market participants report an ESG program in place at the Structured Finance level, November 2020

o 2nd Annual SFA ESG Symposium, December 2020

                o Evaluating Environmental Impact of Securitization Assets

                o Expanding Lending to Marginalized and Underserved Communities

                o Impact Investing – Evaluating Impact To Achieve Social Benefits

                o Affordable Housing – Intersection for ESG-Minded Investors

                o Ratings, Rankings and Scores

Join SFA’s ESG Task Force: SFA has launched its new ESG initiative which aims to develop and publish a disclosure framework with asset-class-specific considerations for the securitization industry to be adopted globally. Members also receive ESG-related regulatory and market updates impacting the industry.



From the Carbon-Neutral Mindfulness Exercise, SFVegas October 2021

ICAO Green Meetings Calculator

EPA’s GHG Equivalencies Calculator

CarbonBrief’s Climate Impact of Food Change

 Carbon-Neutral—More Information

Princeton’s Report: Net-Zero American

Columbia University’s 35 Ideas for Carbon Reduction

UN study on food production – Finds that 30% of GHGs globally are created by food production.

US Dept. of Energy – Reports that 30% of US energy use goes to small electric devices.

How Stuff Works – Recycling Information



GSE Credit Risk Transfer

SFA White Paper on Economics of GSE Credit Risk Transfer-September 2021

Join SFA’s CRT Committee which advocates on the benefits of establishing a level laying field where all market participants receive equitable capital treatment for similarly structured risk transfer transactions. The working group will also work to draft a response to the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s recently announced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Enterprise Capital.