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International Women’s Day 2023

Provided by Structured Finance Association

In appreciation of International Women’s Day, SFA is honored to celebrate both WiS Chair Claudine Chen-Young from Katten, and WiS Vice Chair Cara Newman from Redwood Trust, Inc. We thank them for their continuous contributions as leaders in the industry and for their steadfast commitment to the advancement of women in structured finance.

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“When I think of equity, I think of equal access, equal consideration, equal opportunities and equal treatment. It is especially imperative in BigLaw, and in our male-dominated structured finance industry, that women are given access to working on matters for premium clients. In this regard, equity can take the form of simply being intentional in including women in meaningful business-building opportunities. We shine for ourselves once given the opportunity.”



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“Throughout my career, I have benefited from opportunities to learn new skills, take on increasing responsibility and feel empowered in my role. Because of this experience, I think about workplace equity through the lens of empowerment and inclusion. A workplace that offers opportunities and welcomes contributions from everyone, regardless of gender or background, fosters an atmosphere of empowerment, inclusion and, ultimately, equity.

I’m proud to be a part of initiatives like SFA’s Women in Securitization and Redwood’s TogetHER, an employee resource group focused on fostering the growth of women within our Redwood organization, both of which aim to promote a culture of inclusion and equity.”