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Impact of COVID-19 on the U.S. Auto Loan ABS Industry

Provided by Structured Finance Association

Join KBRA on Thursday, May 14, 10:00 a.m. EDT, for a live discussion on the impact of COVID-19 on the U.S. Auto Loan ABS industry. Register here.


• KBRA’s approach to analyzing impact of COVID-19 on auto loan ABS

• Unemployment and correlation with defaults

• Impact of economic slowdown and fiscal stimulus efforts

• Benefits of Auto loan ABS structures on ratings

• Discussion of KBRA’s Watch Status & Ratings outlook

• ABS Market Update


• Rosemary Kelley, Senior Managing Director, Head of ABS

• Eric Neglia, Managing Director, Head of Consumer ABS

• Melvin Zhou, Senior Director, Consumer ABS

• Brian Ford, Senior Director, Head of Structured Finance Research