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How the ‘Zoom ceiling’ might hurt your chance of promotion

Published on January 26, 2022

How the ‘Zoom ceiling’ might hurt your chance of promotion

An article by Fast Company explains how the ‘Zoom ceiling’ might hurt your chance of a promotion.


When given the choice, the majority of workers would prefer to work remotely. And flexibility is one of the most important benefits when candidates consider a new job. But working from home can have a hidden downside, says Elora Voyles, industrial organizational psychologist and people scientist at TINYpulse, an employee engagement platform.

“Remote workers aren’t getting the same amount of recognition for the work that they are doing,” she says. “In particular, there’s research that remote workers are working longer hours, actually performing better, but 50% less likely to get promoted.”

This is a case of out of sight, out of mind. Managers may not be recognizing the contributions of the remote worker because they don’t see them on a day-to-day basis.

Click here to read the entire Fast Company Article.