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Senate Banking Committee and House Financial Services Committee Assignments Finalized

Published on February 3, 2023

Senate Banking Committee and House Financial Services Committee Assignments Finalized 

On February 1st, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell announced Senate Republican Conference Committee Assignments for the 118th Congress. Two freshmen Senators, JD Vance (OH) and Katie Britt (AL), have been named to the Senate Banking Committee, resulting from one open seat and Senator Jerry Moran (KS) rotating off the committee this Congress. Earlier this week, Democrats announced the House Financial Services Committee subcommittees membership, including new appointments to the Capital Markets and Financial Institutions and Monetary Policy Subcommittees.

Now that committee organizing activities are complete, the committees will turn their focus to their respective agendas. The Senate Banking Committee will concentrate on consumer protection, bank capital, and affordable housing, while the House Financial Services Committee will prioritize oversight of the Biden Administration, capital formation, and a regulatory framework for the digital asset ecosystem.  Read more.